Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009
I sort of have to convince Sammy to wear his vest, but once we get it on him he is working fine. We went to Target last night and had no difficulties at all. I circled the store several times because I could not find the gadget I was looking for, and he seemed to enjoy himself. He even scrounged some popcorn. For Sammy, that’s pretty relaxed and carefree.
Yesterday, he was enjoying some cooler weather and forgot to put on the breaks at the back porch. He slammed into the back door and knocked himself coo coo for a few minutes. He limped around and staggered into the house for first aid. I gave him some Arnica on his tongue and he snapped out of his stupor. He had to pull himself together to get the unwelcome little pellets off his tongue. All better now. It’s been raining for two days and the school is full of sick children. I’ve not had time to take Sammy out for exercise and he is amazingly calm. He just took a spin around the rye grass yard and he seems to be satisfied. We are going to enjoy a quiet evening in front of the fire.

1 comment:

4 Wheeling Princess said...

He does exactly what my service dog does when its time to put his halti and harness on. So aggravating at times.